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2024扁山苗木基地 > 四川金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 广元金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 旺苍县金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发






为正常日光量的1/3,较适宜生长的温度为18~25e左右,空气相对湿度为80%以上。 1、要求1月份平均气温10摄氏度,7月份平均气温25摄氏度,空气相对湿度70%,常风小或静风,透光度为30%左右,周围有水源,土壤结构性能好,较好是呈中性或偏酸性(pH=4.5~6.5)的经风化的黄壤土。


Sichuan Guangyuan Large Scale Golden Lotus:

There are many varieties and suitable prices in the planting base, with good planting prospects and technical expertise. We provide on-site training on Bianshan (early seedling management, mid-term pests and diseases, later production and processing, fresh golden lotus drying or drying equipment, nutrient soil configuration, sales, wholesale, retail). Luzhou golden lotus seedlings, large leaves, red stems, pointed leaves, round leaves, Bianshan 13507五40047, Taiwan Hongxia dry goods wholesale price 690 yuan/jin, 890 yuan/jin http://www.shanghang.net/c-1509.html Prices range from 990 yuan/jin, 1290 yuan/jin, and 1690 yuan/jin, depending on the specifications and quality. Large scale Hongxia, large-scale planting base, regular varieties, standard strains, and professional Fujian tissue culture seedling cultivation base welcome cooperation from rural farmers.


Avoid planting lotus before and after noon:

The direct sunlight requires less than 1/3 of the normal amount of sunlight, and the suitable temperature for growth is around 18-25e. The relative humidity of the air is above 80%. 1. The average temperature in January is 10 degrees Celsius, the average temperature in July is 25 degrees Celsius, the relative humidity of the air is 70%, the wind is usually small or calm, the light transmittance is about 30%, there is water source around, the soil structure performance is good, and the better is weathered yellow soil that is neutral or slightly acidic (pH=4.5-6.5).


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