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2024扁山苗木基地 > 江西金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 上饶金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 鄱阳金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

卖上饶兔子养殖基地 比利时种兔产业发展上饶基地批发18元

销售上饶玉山竹鼠和兔子养殖的基地 :


















Sales base for rabbit breeding in Shangrao Yushan:

The development of Belgian rabbit breeding industry in Hengfeng, Qianshan, Yiyang, and Shangrao base wholesale prices are 18 yuan/piece, 19 yuan/piece, 25 yuan/piece, and 27 yuan/piece, respectively. The contact number for yellow rabbit seedlings is 13507五40047, and WeChat is also the same. We welcome cooperation from customers across the country. The wholesale price for free range rabbit breeding base seedlings is good at 57 yuan/piece, 97 yuan/piece full moon rabbit seedlings, 127 yuan/piece, and 149 yuan/piece. Different types of rabbits are available, and purchasing depends on the variety The price of a rabbit that weighs only a few pounds, whether it is a commodity rabbit, a breeding rabbit, a meat rabbit, a grass rabbit, a grass fed rabbit, or a feed fed rabbit, and the length of time it is raised, all of which have a significant impact on the price. Varieties such as the ram rabbit are very expensive, much more expensive than ordinary rabbit seedlings.

The relationship between rabbit breeding time and price in Jiangxi:

If a 3-pound rabbit eats grass, it will take 8-12 months of breeding time http://www.shanghang.net/c-1690.html So the cost of raising a 3-kilogram rabbit that eats feed and is sold within 4-5 months is much different from that of a 3-kilogram rabbit that eats feed. Eating grass has a good taste and Wuyuan has a relatively high nutritional value, so the price will also be relatively expensive. We hope that friends who purchase rabbits can have a certain understanding of this. Every penny is the same principle.


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