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2024扁山苗木基地 > 广东金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 茂名金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 化州金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

湘林69号210 茂名软枝3#2# 广东油茶苗 茂名批发2元 50-80CM

江西湘林69号、和210号、40号、20号、18号油茶苗嫁接小杯苗培育、广东大型规模广西大果红花油茶树苗小杯苗培育基地、茂名软枝3# And 2#茶籽树苗栽培种植苗圃13507五40047。广东1年、2年、3年、5年嫁接高产良种油茶苗 、茂名批发的油茶树苗价格分级:2.1元/珠、3.1元/珠、6.1元/珠开红花、8.1元/珠大果油茶苗、9.1元/珠巨型果茶树苗、12元/珠特大果红花茶树苗、15.1元/珠1-3斤一个新鲜茶果、1.1元/珠、0.6/珠等不等的价格。从红花大果和白花中小果油茶苗的高度分级:20-30CM、30-50CM、50-80CM、80-100CM。


Camellia oleifera and bayberry seedlings:

Maoming-Guangdong The price grading of Guangdong 1-year, 2-year, 3-year, and 5-year grafted high-quality Camellia oleifera seedlings, Maoming wholesale Camellia oleifera seedlings: 2.1 yuan/bead, 3.1 yuan/bead, 6.1 yuan/bead with red flowers, 8.1 yuan/bead with large fruit Camellia oleifera seedlings, 9.1 yuan/bead with giant fruit tea seedlings, 12 yuan/bead with large fruit safflower tea seedlings, 15.1 yuan/bead with 1-3 jin of fresh tea fruit, 1.1 yuan/bead, 0.6 yuan/bead, etc.


茂名油茶苗 MYSTERIOUS FRUIT 常绿灌木或乔木:

油茶树高3-4M。树皮黄褐色或灰褐色,顶芽1-3个,紫红色形态特征为花芽,居中细长、黄绿色的为叶芽。单叶互生,革质,表面光滑,具柄,椭圆形或卵状椭圆形,先端渐尖,边缘有锯齿,中脉凸起,侧脉不明显。花两性,白色或红色,顶生或腋生。雄蕊多数,2轮排列基部相连,通常与花瓣同时脱落,软枝2号和3号油茶苗花药黄色。雌蕊柱头 3- 5裂,子房3-5室。葫果球形,桃形,橄榄形等,颜色有红黄,青等几种。每果种子 1-20 粒,一般4-8粒树苗培养 叶大枝粗 原产地用心精心栽培,苗木均匀,根系发达现挖现发,成活率高。


Maoming Camellia oleifera seedlings evergreen shrubs or trees:

The tree height is 3-4M. The bark is yellow brown or grayish brown, with 1-3 terminal buds. The purple red characteristic is flower buds, while the middle slender and yellow green ones are leaf buds. Single leaf alternate, leathery, smooth surface, petiolate, elliptical or oval shaped, apex acuminate, margin serrated, midrib raised, lateral veins inconspicuous. Flowers bisexual, white or red, terminal or axillary. The stamens are numerous, arranged in two rounds and connected to the base, usually shedding simultaneously with the petals. The anthers are yellow. Pistil stigma 3-5-lobed, ovary 3-5-loculed. The fruit is spherical, peach shaped, olive shaped, and has colors such as red, yellow, and green. 1 to 20 seeds per fruit, usually 4 to 8 seedlings, with thick leaves and branches, carefully cultivated in the original area. The seedlings are even, the roots are developed, and the survival rate is high.


扁山油茶苗培育基地 扁山杨梅苗培育品种
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