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2024扁山苗木基地 > 广东金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 惠州金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 龙门金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

这里有广东惠州的杨梅苗和油茶苗 1-2-3年批发基地 2元一珠

收藏时间:2024/02/06 13:30



Here is a reference for the cultivation:

Yangmei seedlings and Camellia oleifera seedlings in Longmen, Huizhou, Guangdong. The reference year is 2023HGF-BZ standard, large-scale, professional, and large-scale cultivation and production of various varieties of Yangmei seedlings (big black charcoal, crystal 13507五40047 WeChat, address, phone, video, image sharing, Dongkui, Heigaofeng, Yongguan, Hengchun, Bianshan, Xianju, Zhejiang, Taiwan, Fujian Xiaobei Dongkui Yangmei seedlings generally have a ground diameter of 0.5 to 5 centimeters, and a height of around 30 to 80 centimeters) Camellia oleifera seedlings (soft branch, big fruit, Zhongke, safflower, Minyou, Sanhua, Changlin 30-60-90 cm), tea seedlings (white tea, black tea, black tea, Pu'er tea 10-50 cm), Jinlian seedlings welcome cooperation from customers all over the country! All seedlings in this base support export, while also acquiring tea oil and bayberry fruits.





Huizhou Dongkui Yangmei Small Cup Seedling:

The cultivation height of 1-year seedlings aged 30-51cm in Guangdong, 3-year seedlings aged 60-98cm in crystal and black charcoal Yangmei seedlings, 2-year seedlings aged Changlin in Huicheng, Softbranch 3, Softbranch 2 tea seedlings, and Xianglin tea seedlings is 30-40-60cm high, with a diameter of 0.3-0.8cm, 4-year seedlings aged 60-98cm, and a 5-year softbranch high yield oil tea seedling wholesale base in Huiyang. Boluo price shipping reference: 2 yuan per bead, Huidong 3 yuan per bead, 6 yuan per bead, 8 yuan per bead, 12 yuan per bead http://www.shanghang.net/c-1470.html 15 yuan per bead, 4 yuan per bead, 5 yuan per bead, 6 yuan per bead, 18 yuan per bead, 68 yuan per bead, 38 yuan per bead, 58 yuan per bead, 192 yuan per bead.



2023东魁白杨梅树苗树苗主要病害为真菌性黑腐病和细菌性软腐病,广东水晶杨梅苗 东莞东魁大黑炭杨梅培育种植基地径1-3公分应强加田间管理,提高植株抗病能力;在发病季节,加强田间巡查,及时去除发病植株,减少传染源;6 月中下旬,可用50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂800倍液、或70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂800倍液喷施防治黑腐病发生,每隔10 天一次,连续喷6-8次;软腐病,则用400 毫克/升的500 万单位农用链霉素配置溶液进行防治,每隔10 天一次,连续喷6-8次;二种药剂可混合使用。


Prevention and Control of Diseases and Pests:

Huizhou Yangmei Planting The main diseases of Dongkui white poplar seedlings in 2023 are fungal black rot and bacterial soft rot. The cultivation and planting base of Guangdong crystal poplar seedlings in Dongkui, Dongguan, with a diameter of 1-3 cm, should strengthen field management to improve the plant's disease resistance; During the onset season, strengthen field inspections, promptly remove diseased plants, and reduce the source of infection; In mid to late June, spray 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times solution or 70% methyltobuzin wettable powder 800 times solution to prevent and control black rot, every 10 days, continuously spraying 6-8 times; For soft rot disease, a solution of 5 million units of agricultural streptomycin with a concentration of 400 milligrams per liter is used for prevention and control, spraying every 10 days for 6-8 consecutive times; The two drugs can be mixed for use.



底部放上小石块 (小石块的多少取决于花盆的高度 小石块上方预留三公分)、小石块上方垫入泥炭土或兰科用土、挖个坑 把东魁白杨梅树苗树苗放进去 再用泥炭土填补好 8. 用小喷壶喷点水 不用过多浇水 (大概3-4天浇一次水) 种植小贴士:东魁白杨梅树苗树苗喜阴不喜阳 放在阴凉干燥通风 有散射光照射的地方就非常啦! 2024年头,引进台湾东魁白杨梅树苗树苗、福建大圆叶和福建尖叶三个品种。


扁山杨梅苗培育基地 扁山油茶苗培育品种
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