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2024扁山苗木基地 > 甘肃金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 临夏金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 广河县金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发


收藏时间:2024/02/06 13:30




放置场所、茶花宜放置于温暖湿润、通风透光的地方。扁山水仙2号茶苗、山茶为半阴性花卉,春季要光照充足,夏季宜注意遮荫,避开阳光直射与西晒,若放置阳台上,往往一不小心,就被晒死。茶花小杯苗培育标准基地、秋后气温下降, 山茶进入花芽分化期,应逐渐使全株受到充足的光照。冬季应置于室内阳光充足处 若室内光线太弱,山茶则生长不良,并易得病虫害。鸿雁7号茶树苗、扁山紫玫瑰勐库大叶种茶树苗、7号茶苗、3号茶苗、福云0-3、迎霜茶叶树苗、御金香、银猴种茶苗、浙农12号绿茶、浙农139号绿茶、桂茶1号茶树小杯苗培育40-50公分、大白茶15-30公分、1年凹富后单丛茶叶苗。



甘肃红花1-3斤一个新鲜茶果、栽培茶花平常要用中性或偏酸性的地表水浇灌,浇水要掌握见干见湿,干了再浇,浇要浇透,但要注意不能过干。一般在春梢末期着蕾前要适当扣水,以利向生殖生长转化,福建闽优、梧州红花1-3斤一个新鲜茶果、福建闽优、湖南湘林210号和69号、20号、1号、岑溪软枝、湖南三华、广东和广西香花、湖南中科。湖南湘林210号和69号、20号、1号、岑溪软枝、湖南三华、广东和广西香花、湖南中科。花前不能断水。但是要注意,如果生长在一般居室客厅,容易枯死。   平常施肥可用-30cm盆)10克/盆;复合肥2克/盆;也可用0.1%尿素加0.1%磷酸二氢钾,每10-20天一次,以上肥料要轮换使用。如发生新梢缺铁黄化可用0.2%硫酸亚铁每周浇施一次,直到恢复为止。北方预防黄化病、根腐病,要每15-30天施0.2%硫酸亚铁一次。


There are Changlin, Softwood, Xianglin:

Camellia oleifera small cup seedlings, grafted high-yield varieties of Camellia oleifera seedlings in Kangle County, Linxia. Generally, one year seedlings are about 30 cm, two year seedlings in Guanghe County are about 50 cm, three year seedlings are about 80 cm, and seed seedlings are cultivated; The majority of camellia seedlings, small cup seedlings, medium cup seedlings, and large cup seedlings are cultivated for 1-2 years in Dongxiang County; Yongjing County Jinlian Seedling Cultivation, Bottled Seedlings, Bare Rooted Seedlings, Potted Seedlings, Imitated Wild Jinlian Seedlings and Dry Goods under Ground Plantations www.shanghang.net/c-1732.html, Hezheng County Yangmei Seedling Cultivation, Fujian Hongxia Standardization and Standardization Cultivation Base; The reference heights for cultivating flat mountain seedlings are 10CM, 15CM, 18CM, 25CM, 28CM Jishishan, 35CM, 55CM, 65CM, 45CM, 68CM, and 90CM. All of our seedlings support export, while also recycling bayberry fruits and purchasing tea oil services.


Cultivation methods for Jinlian and Linxia:

camellia seedlings Place of placement: Camellia should be placed in a warm, moist, ventilated, and transparent place. Bianshan Narcissus No. 2 tea seedlings and camellia are semi shade flowers. In spring, there should be sufficient sunlight, while in summer, it is advisable to shade and avoid direct sunlight and exposure to the west. If placed on the balcony, one may accidentally get sunburned to death. After autumn, when the temperature drops and camellia enters the flower bud differentiation stage, the entire plant should gradually receive sufficient light. In winter, it should be placed indoors in a sunny area. If the indoor light is too weak, camellia will not grow well and may be susceptible to diseases and pests. Hongyan No. 7 tea seedlings, Bianshan Purple Rose Mengku large leaf tea seedlings, No. 7 tea seedlings, No. 3 tea seedlings, Fuyun 0-3, Yingshuang tea seedlings, Yujinxiang, Yinhou tea seedlings, Zhenong No. 12 green tea, Zhenong No. 139 green tea, Guicha No. 1 tea tree small cup seedlings cultivation 40-50 cm, Dabai tea 15-30 cm, and 1-year concave rich single cluster tea seedlings.


Fertilization for cultivating tea seedlings and tea:

tree seedlings in Linxia Gansu safflower 1-3 catties per fresh tea fruit and cultivated camellia should be watered with neutral or slightly acidic surface water. Watering should be done to see dryness and wetness, and watering should be done thoroughly, but it should not be too dry. Generally, appropriate water should be added before budding at the end of spring shoots to facilitate the transformation to reproductive growth. Fujian Minyou, Wuzhou Honghua, Fujian Minyou, Hunan Xianglin 210 and 69, 20 and 1, Cenxi Softwood, Hunan Sanhua, Guangdong and Guangxi Xianghua, Hunan Zhongke, etc. Hunan Xianglin 210 and 69, 20 and 1, Cenxi Softbranch, Hunan Sanhua, Guangdong and Guangxi Xianghua, Hunan Zhongke. Water cannot be cut off before flowering. However, it should be noted that if grown in a general living room, it is easy to wither and die. Normal fertilization can be done in a -30cm pot) of 10g/pot; Compound fertilizer 2 grams per pot; Alternatively, 0.1% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be added every 10-20 days, and the above fertilizers should be used in rotation. If iron deficiency and yellowing occur in new shoots, 0.2% ferrous sulfate can be applied once a week until recovery. To prevent yellowing and root rot in the north, 0.2% ferrous sulfate should be applied every 15-30 days.

扁山油茶苗培育基地 扁山茶叶苗培育基地 扁山茶花苗培育
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