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2024扁山苗木基地 > 福建金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 福州金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 罗源金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

福建茶花苗培育 福建福州厦门宁德三明5色赤丹茶花杯苗批发

收藏时间:2024/02/06 13:30







山茶为半阴性花卉,夏季需搭棚遮阴。立秋后气温下降,山茶进入花芽分化期,应逐渐使全株受到充足的光照。冬季应置于室内阳光充足处,若室内光线太弱,山茶则生长不良,并易得病虫害美丽安阳茶花苗培育 安阳茶叶苗.油茶小杯苗批发1年30-80CM。



山茶喜肥、一般在上盆或换盆时在盆底施足基肥,秋冬季因花芽发育快,标准化 商丘茶花苗批发 商丘油茶苗价 茶叶苗圃基地1年45CM应每周浇一次腐熟的淡液肥,并追施1次至2次磷钾肥,氮肥过多易使花蕾焦枯,开花后可少施或不施肥。


D. 三明茶花小苗的浇水:




山茶喜温暖,怕寒冷。室内温度不能低于5℃。温度在10℃至15℃的房间内,[有油茶苗.绵阳金花茶叶苗]绵阳的油茶树小杯苗1年30CM批发其他措施得当,春节即可开花,花期可至3月份。 湿度。一般冬季室内较干燥,应经常向山茶叶面喷水,以形成一个湿润的小气候。但阴雨天忌喷水。


Welcome to Fujian Camellia Seedling Cultivation:

Standard Scale Production Base! Small cup seedlings, large cup seedlings with flower buds and soil shipment, 2023Fj-CHA medium cup seedlings with leaf flowers shipment, naked root seedlings wholesale price good 1332八738875, 2023 Fujian, Nanping, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ningde, Sanming, Longyan, Putian 5 color red tea flower cup seedlings wholesale varieties include: Xiangfei Camellia 1-2 year seedlings 20-30 cm, Camellia, Hexagonal Big Red Camellia Red Leaf Bella, Green Corona 2-3 year seedlings 30-80 cm, Camellia, Cinnabar Purple Robe, White Cloth Crown Yao Huang, Wei Zi, Sai Mudan, Wu Se Chi Dan 50-80 cm 3-4 year old seedlings, Red Chi Dan, Black Knight, Wen Ban 1-2 year old cup seedlings with a height of 30 cm to 60 cm, Huo Long Zhu, Dongfang Liang, Cover Girl, Red Dan Camellia, Jinhua Tea, 18 Bachelor's Camellia 1-6 year old seedlings with a height of 30-98 cm.


A. The main diseases of camellia in Ningde, Fujian include:

The main prevention and control agents for wheel rot, charcoal blight, blight, leaf spot disease, bituminous coal disease, etc. include: 800 times the dosage of Deuterol and 500 times the dosage of carbendazim; Chlorothalonil 800 times; 800 times regular prevention and control of Kemeiling, and attention should be paid to the prevention and control of gray mold and flower blight before flowering. Baiyu Flower and Gardening Farm, Tongyang Town, Shuyang County 2. Tea flower pests are mainly red spider, insect shell worm, leaf roller and bridge worm, and the main control medicine is spray 15ML of Jingku+20ML of hydramidophos or 25ML of monocrotophos with 30kg of water. A large basin or net covered with new fertilizer. Keep the seedbed moist and immediately set up a "bow" shaped shed, shading 450 plants/m2, or 180000 plants/mu. Achieve cutting while sprinkling water, with a cutting length of 8cm, a cutting depth of 3cm, and a cutting density of branches, achieving cutting as you pick.


B. Illumination of Longyan Camellia Small Cup Seedlings:

Camellia is a semi negative flower that needs to be shaded in summer. After the beginning of autumn, the temperature drops and camellia enters the flower bud differentiation stage. The entire plant should gradually receive sufficient light. In winter, it should be placed indoors in a sunny area. If the indoor light is too weak, camellia will not grow well and be susceptible to diseases and pests.

C. Fertilization of Fuzhou tea seedlings:

Camellia likes fat. Generally, sufficient basal fertilizer should be applied at the bottom of the pot when the pot is put in or changed. In autumn and winter, due to the rapid development of flower buds, decomposed light liquid fertilizer should be watered once a week, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer can easily cause flower buds to wither, and fertilization can be reduced or not applied after flowering.

D. Watering of Sanming Camellia Seedlings:

Winter watering should depend on the indoor temperature, usually once every 3 days. Keep the soil moist and avoid standing water or pouring half of the water. When using tap water, it should be stored in a bucket for one or two days to allow the chlorine gas to evaporate. It is best to add 1% ferrous sulfate in water to improve water quality.

E. Temperature of Xiamen Camellia Seedlings:

Camellia prefers warmth but fears cold. The indoor temperature cannot be lower than 5 ℃. In rooms with temperatures ranging from 10 ℃ to 15 ℃, other appropriate measures can be taken to ensure that flowers bloom during the Spring Festival and can last until March. Humidity. Generally, indoor areas are relatively dry in winter, and water should be sprayed frequently on the leaves of camellia to create a humid microclimate. But avoid spraying water on cloudy and rainy days.

扁山油茶苗培育基地 扁山茶叶苗培育基地 扁山茶花苗培育
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