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2024扁山苗木基地 > 湖南金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 郴州金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 桂阳金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

大油茶苗湖南培育基地 裸根小杯苗嫁接种子营养袋装30-60CM





杨梅苗、金线莲种苗、油茶树苗、杨梅苗培育、草坪草皮等共达23大类1000种,苗木品种齐全且不断推出新品种,产品多适应北方、西部气候寒冷、盐碱性土壤,土质干旱等恶劣的自然环境,所以苗木畅销全国各地。公认品种 湖南湘林油茶苗69号27号210号混种植高产技术支持生物科技种植好苗一直用心做一件事--专注于产品品质和细节公司本着“技术决定成败,品质决定效益”的宗旨,服务于社会大众,热忱欢迎广大客商前来我公司洽谈业务,愿与您一生相伴,携手共创辉煌明天!



三月上、中旬开始采茶至十一月下旬,全年新梢萌发5—6轮,采茶31次。一芽二叶蒸青样含茶多酚36.06%,水浸出物44.90%。适制滇红、滇绿、普洱茶等。攸县经审定为国家级良种。   云抗43号:植株乔木型,攸县树姿开展,分枝特多。叶片着生状态水平,叶长椭圆形。三月底开始采茶至十二月上旬,新梢一年萌发5~6轮,一芽二叶重0.75克,全年采茶26次,一芽二叶蒸青样含茶多酚 34.98%,水浸出物44.94%,适制红茶、普洱茶。   





High yield and improved varieties of Camellia:

 oleifera in Hunan, with normal cultivation standards for 1-3 years, including small cup seedlings, medium cup seedlings, large cup seedlings, professional, large, and regular bare root seedlings, small cup seedlings, grafted seedlings, cuttage seedlings, seed seedlings 1332八738875, nutrient bagged seedlings, general cultivation height reference: 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm, Hunan Xianglin 210 and 69 55 cm, 62 cm, Hunan Sanhua, 82 cm, 95 cm. Guangdong and Guangxi Xianghua, Honghua 1-3 jin per fresh tea fruit, Jiangxi Changlin, Guangxi Daguo, Fujian Minyou, Cenxi Soft Branch Panlong, and Hunan Zhongke Tea Tree Seedling Cultivation Base welcome customers from all over the country to cooperate. All seedlings in this base support export, and there are also recycled tea oil, bayberry fruit, and tea seeds (fresh tea fruits are only purchased and returned to the province).


Introduction to Bianshan Hunan Tea Seedling:

Cultivation Company There are a total of 1000 species in 23 major categories, including Yangmei seedlings, Golden Lotus seedlings, Camellia oleifera seedlings, Yangmei seedling cultivation, and lawn turf. The variety of seedlings is complete and new varieties are constantly introduced. The products are mostly suitable for harsh natural environments such as cold climates, saline alkali soils, and soil drought in the north and west, so the seedlings are sold well throughout the country. Technical Support Biotechnology Planting Good Seedlings has always been dedicated to doing one thing - focusing on product quality and details. The company adheres to the principle of "technology determines success or failure, quality determines efficiency", serving the public. We warmly welcome customers to come to our company to negotiate business, and are willing to accompany you for a lifetime to create a brilliant tomorrow together!


Camellia oleifera cup seedlings that can:

be planted all year round in You County Starting from early and mid March, tea picking lasts until late November, with 5-6 rounds of sprouting and 31 tea picking cycles throughout the year. The steamed green sample of one bud and two leaves contains 36.06% tea polyphenols and 44.90% water extract. Suitable for making Yunnan red, Yunnan green, Pu'er tea, etc. You County has been approved as a national excellent variety. Yunkang 43: The plant is a tree type, with a well-developed tree posture and numerous branches in Youxian County. The leaf blade is in a horizontal state, and the leaf length is elliptical. Starting from the end of March to early December, tea picking begins. New shoots germinate 5-6 times a year, with one bud and two leaves weighing 0.75 grams. Tea is picked 26 times a year, and the steamed green sample of one bud and two leaves contains 34.98% of tea polyphenols and 44.94% of water extract. It is suitable for making black tea and Pu'er tea.


Planting techniques for small seedlings:

oil tea trees in Zhuzhou When tea seedlings are transplanted and planted, the spacing between rows and clusters in Zhuzhou should be determined according to the planting specifications. Transplantation ditches or planting holes should be opened and planted now to keep the soil inside the ditches (holes) moist. The root system distribution of tea seedlings is relatively shallow. When planting, it is appropriate to plant them deeply. Generally, burying them to the root neck is suitable for planting. With one hand, hold the tea seedlings straight, and with the other hand, fill the soil into the ditch (hole). Cover the soil until the fibrous roots are not exposed, and then gently lift the seedlings with your hand to ensure that the tea seedling root system can naturally stretch and tightly connect with the soil. Then, pour enough root fixing water, and lay rice straw on both sides of the tea row, and then cover the straw with soil between rows to maintain soil moisture and ground temperature. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in drought and freezing resistance, as well as replanting missing plants, to ensure full and strong seedlings.

扁山油茶苗培育基地 扁山茶叶苗培育基地 扁山茶花苗培育
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