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2024扁山苗木基地 > 湖北金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 襄阳金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 枣阳金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

湖北永树冠大杨梅苗 水晶小杯早熟大杯营养袋装地径3-8公分














刚嫁接的苗木,不能施肥,要待新梢木质化以后才能施肥。品种 鄂州杨梅苗批发乌梅 鄂州台梅乌酥水晶杨梅小杯苗30CM先后共施肥2次:第1次在6月中旬,每亩地用三元素复合肥50—60kg。第2次在7月中旬,每亩地用复合肥100kg。

Hubei Qianjiang Yongguan Poplar Seedlings:

Tianmen Crystal 2-3 Year Seedlings with 50-90CM Dwarf Varieties have good quality. Xiantao is all sold at wholesale prices in the market, with Wuhan Black Peak 1-2 Year Seedlings of about 50cm, Big Black Carbon 135075400147, Xiangyang Early Maturity, Fugong 1-Year Small Cup Seedlings of about 30cm, 1-3 Split Ground Diameters within 1cm, Huangshi Local Small Yangmei, Xianning Wumei, Huanggang Wusu Yangmei Small Cup Early Maturity Big Cup Nutritional Bag Ground Diameters of 3cm, 1cm, and Ezhou 1.5cm 2cm, Xiaogan 2.5cm, 3.5cm, 3.8cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm, 10cm, 8cm, 12cm, 15cm http://www.shanghang.net/c-1843.html 25 cm, 28 cm. We have about 5 years of Yongguan Yangmei large cup high-pressure Yangmei seedlings, which are very beautiful and suitable for planting in high-end places such as courtyards and villas.


Classification of XT Xiantao Dongkui Yangmei:

Annual grafted seedlings can be divided into primary and secondary seedlings, and seedlings below the standard for secondary seedlings cannot be released from the nursery. First level seedlings: ground diameter ≥ 0.6cm, seedling height ≥ 40cm, well-developed root system, no quarantine pests or diseases. Secondary seedlings: ground diameter ≥ 0.5cm, seedling height ≥ 30cm, well-developed root system, no quarantine pests or diseases.

YG Yongguan 1-2 Year Yangmei Seedling Rise:

Planting from February to March, avoid raising seedlings in dry weather to avoid air drying of seedlings. When raising seedlings, try to minimize root damage, cut off 70% of the leaves in a timely manner, cut off excessively long branches, reduce water evaporation, and dip the roots in thick mud.


HB Hubei Grafted Yangmei Seedling:

Management and Frequent Grass Pulling Do not hoe grass or use herbicides to weed. Regularly pull grass by hand to avoid competition between weeds and seedlings for light and soil nutrients.

Fixed shoots of WH Wuhan Yangmei planting:

A scion may sprout multiple buds or have disordered long shoots. Therefore, starting from early June, sprouting and shoot setting will be carried out, which means leaving only one bud on the scion to cultivate into a trunk, making it a robust seedling.

Application of thin fertilizer for HS Huangshi Yangmei:

Newly grafted seedlings cannot be fertilized until the new shoots become lignified. Fertilization was conducted twice in succession: the first time was in mid June, with 50-60kg of three element compound fertilizer applied per acre of land. The second time in mid July, 100kg of compound fertilizer was used per acre of land.

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