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2024扁山苗木基地 > 福建金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 漳州金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 龙海金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

480元一斤福建纯白水晶杨梅果回收价格 白沙杨梅苗市场批发












c)喷洒硫酸烟碱800倍,甲胺磷600倍,苦参碱醇500倍,BT杀虫剂500倍,灭幼脲1 200倍,或使用白僵菌。


a)注射器将DDV300倍液注入虫孔内10 mL后以土封口;











杨梅树移植杨梅树苗选择  杨梅树苗应选用生长健壮、接口愈合良好,具有3个以上分枝,无病虫害,带土团的优质嫁接苗或营养袋苗更好。杨梅苗在定植前应适当修剪杨梅树定植在杨梅苗木移栽定植前,需要提前挖好定植穴,如在较陡山坡,较好先开水平带,在带中开穴,可有效地减少水土冲刷流失,杨梅定植穴应挖在离外侧1/3处。如在较缓山坡,则可用块状整地,以后逐年深翻扩穴。


Pure white crystal bayberry fruits:

are currently scarce in the market. In 2023-BT-SJ001, especially high-quality first-class white sand bayberry fruits, there is a shortage of supply. Small cup seedlings, large cup seedlings 13507五40047, small seedlings with a diameter of 1 cm, 2CM, 3CM, 4CM, 5CM, 1-year seedlings, 2-year seedlings, 3-year seedlings, high-pressure bayberry seedlings with very beautiful 5-8 year seedlings, late maturing soft silk, and early maturing hard silk bayberry seedlings with a diameter of 5-8 cm are also relatively expensive in the market, 500G AND seedlings of white silk bayberry fruit, 1 kilogram of white bayberry, wholesale transaction price of white sand bayberry seedlings in the market, 480 yuan per kilogram, 180 yuan per kilogram, and 280 yuan per kilogram.


Suitable planting areas for 2024 white poplar plum:

Like Hubei, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangxi, and Shanxi, this variety of white poplar plum can be planted. The market retail price ranges from 380 yuan per kilogram to 150 yuan per kilogram, and the national package price is generally. For example, the wholesale price depends on the quantity and specifications, including first grade fruits, second grade fruits, and third grade fruits. If you have good products but have sales problems, you can contact us to cooperate with Yongguan Recycling, Dongkui, Heigaofeng Recycling, Crystal, and Dahei to purchase Yangmei. The price depends on the sample discussed by both parties. It is important to try and see the taste and appearance before you can determine the value of your goods. The price depends on the taste, region, maturity time, size, freshness, and packaging.


Pest infestation in bayberry cultivation:

Leaf rolling moths, inchworms, pine caterpillars, and other leaf rolling and leaf eating pests. Mainly harmful to tender shoots and leaves.

Prevention and control methods:

a) Kill overwintering insects by clearing the garden;

b) Protecting natural enemies;

c) Spray 800 times nicotine sulfate, 600 times methamidophos, 500 times matrine alcohol, 500 times BT insecticide, 1200 times chloramphenicol, or use Beauveria bassiana


Tianniu. Mainly harming branches and trunks with larvae. Prevention and control methods:

a) Inject 10 mL of DDV 300 times solution into the wormhole with a syringe and seal with soil;

b) Artificial killing of adult insects, using plastic film to wrap the base of the tree trunk;

c) Promote frequency vibration insecticidal lamps.


Selection of nursery for planting white:

poplar and plum When selecting a nursery for planting white bayberry, the following three points should be noted: firstly, it is best to choose a well drained planting site, which is easy to irrigate in summer, has a mountain slope of less than 5 degrees, and has a slope towards the northeast or southeast. The second is to choose sandy red and yellow soil nurseries with loose texture, deep soil layer, and relatively fertile soil, which can develop the root system of seedlings, reduce diseases, and have a high survival rate of seedlings. Thirdly, continuous cropping land should not be used in bayberry nurseries, and sticky heavy land should not be used. Fields where white bayberry has been planted with citrus, peach, plum, pine, cypress, and cedar should not be used as bayberry nurseries. It is best to choose a "barren land" with sandy red or yellow soil for the nursery, or a field where the previous crop was rice. If using "mature land", the seedbed should be disinfected, and 15kg of ferrous sulfate should be mixed with dry sand per acre before sprinkling into the soil.

Characteristics of Baisha Yangmei:

Yangmei has lush branches and leaves, a round crown, and a plethora of red fruits in early summer. It is very cute and is an excellent tree species for combining landscaping and greening production. It is suitable to plant alone, in clusters on lawns, courtyards, or along the roadside; If dense planting is used to separate the gaps.

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