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2024扁山苗木基地 > 湖南金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 永州金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 道县金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

好树型福建杨梅苗 湖南高压杨梅大杯苗地径5-8-10-3-2-6公分





我们从广西、福建、湖南发出、各地到货时效大概:两广地区1-3天、其他地区3-4天左右、偏远地区4-6天左右.实际以快递公司物流信息为准喔!运输过程中会不会死掉?我们果苗都是鲜活苗、杨梅苗广西交易市场 早熟水晶永树冠并且带叶带土带杯发货、有着砖业的提高存活能力、正常情况下运输十天八天都不会死的!如果出现死苗的情况请睇一时间联系我们处理喔!



养护种植说明果苗有损伤怎么处理?1:在快递暴力运输过程中产生轻微折痕/掉叶/损伤等属于正常现象、是不会影响藤条的。2及时用剪刀修剪损伤的叶子即可、种植一两个星期左右就会即可恢复。如何科学种植?正确步骤轻捏杯体取下杯子错误步骤太深。关于订单:当天下午3点截单、下午3点后付款的订单第二天发出、湖北永树冠大杨梅苗 水晶小杯早熟大杯营养袋装地径3-8公分不会超过72小时内发货!关于物流:包邮商品默认发韵达、邮政、要求发顺丰快递需补差价!部分偏远地区东北三省、新疆、西藏、内蒙古、甘肃、青海、宁夏地区不包邮!





25000 high branching Fujian Fuzhou Yongguan:

Meiwoven-bag seedlings, 2300 Ningde black charcoal grafted bare root nutritional bagged seedlings, 56000 Longyan black peak shaped Yangmei seedlings, Putian black kui high-pressure Yangmei seedlings big cup seedlings, Xiamen Zhangzhou Sanming Nanping Zhangzhou black crystal Yangmei seedlings cultivation standard large and professional bases welcome everyone's cooperation! At the same time, there are also low branching green bayberry seedlings, fruit picking, more fruit bearing, next year's fruit bearing, this year's high-pressure bayberry seedlings, high-end villa planting of shaped bayberry seedlings, and Hunan high-pressure bayberry large cup seedlings with a ground diameter of 5cm, 8cm, 10cm, 3cm, 2cm, 6cm, 8cm, 15cm, 10cm, 25cm, 20cm. There are different varieties, with a crown diameter of 50CM, 80CM, 150CM, 10CM, 100CM, 120CM, 250CM, 200CM, 300CM, 350CM, and a general diameter of 15. The diameter of the soil ball is around 1-2 meters.

How long will the Yongguan Yangmei tree receive its beautiful appearance?

We ship from Guangxi, Fujian, and Hunan, and the delivery time for each location is approximately 1-3 days in Guangdong and Guangxi regions, 3-4 days in other regions, and 4-6 days in remote areas. The actual delivery information of the courier company shall prevail! Will it die during transportation? Our fruit seedlings are all fresh and live, and they are shipped with leaves, soil, and cups. We have the ability to improve survival in the brick industry, and under normal circumstances, they will not die after ten or eight days of transportation! If there is a situation of dead seedlings, please contact us for processing!


Regarding orders for high-pressure bayberry tree seedlings:

How to deal with damage to fruit seedlings during maintenance and planting? 1: Minor creases/leaf drops/damage during violent express transportation are normal phenomena and will not affect the vines. 2. Use scissors to trim damaged leaves in a timely manner, and it can be restored after planting for about a week or two. How to plant scientifically? The correct step is to gently pinch the cup body to remove the cup. The wrong step is too deep. Regarding orders: Orders with a deadline of 3pm on the same day and payment after 3pm will be shipped the next day, and will not be shipped within 72 hours! Regarding logistics: The default shipping options for package goods are Yunda, Postal, and SF Express. The price difference needs to be made up! Some remote areas in Northeast China, Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, and Ningxia do not include postal services!

What should we do if the high branching:

bayberry tree species are not alive?For example, planting without watering, fertilizing after planting, long-term accumulation of water in the planting area, not shading after just planting, not following the methods we provide, and seedlings may wither or die. However, our after-sales services include: signing for dead seedlings for free replacement, paying for dead seedlings within 30 days of planting, and the amount of replacement shipping depends on the size of the seedlings Half price replacement for dead seedlings after 30 days of planting (limited to one replacement without after-sales package, additional postage for areas without package, and additional postage for areas in the northern region that are not suitable for seedling planting. Greenhouse planting trials are not available for sale.

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