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2024扁山苗木基地 > 陕西金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 西安金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 阎良金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

80万珠 陕西和江苏嫁接1年水晶东魁永树冠杨梅小杯苗 高压美观





体验种植的乐趣同时收获、 东魁杨梅、果大肉厚、饱满多汁、酸甜可口、丰产稳产、黑炭杨梅 果大核小、颗颗饱满 甜度高、丰产稳产耐寒气候区、 HARDINESS ZONE 本图根据国际通用标准划分出中国各地的较低气温区、大黑炭 榆林黑晶杨梅小营养杯苗批发、得出中国耐寒气候区位图,根据植物产品对应的耐寒气候区可以对应找到植物的适种区域,对于新手入门或新引进植物品种的种植更有科学依据。种植者也可根据当地的耐寒气候区选择适合的植物品种。



地理标志地域保护范围包括靖 州苗族侗族自治县(以下简称 “靖州”)坳上、甘棠、文溪等 11个乡镇的52个村。截至2024年 12月,靖州培育的杨梅品种达56 个,杨梅种植面积达6666.67公 顷,年产鲜果6.9万吨。人文历史靖州杨梅是靖州 “三宝” (杨梅、茯苳、山核桃) 之一,当地栽培历史悠久,(中源杨梅苗)南方沿海地区种植的杨梅树苗品种高50公分-扁山杨梅其中 以靖州“杨梅小镇”坳上镇的木 洞杨梅尤为突出。园地选择杨梅喜温暖的亚热带果树,宜选择年平均气温在15~22°C、绝对较低温度高于-9°C、花期较低温度大于0°C的气候条件。高温对杨梅的生长不宜,烈日照射易引起枝干晒焦枯死,特别是5—6月的果实迅速发育期忌30~35°C高温。栽培在朝南的山顶处时,生长不旺,结果较少,品质较差。





2007年湖南靖州被评为“中国 杨梅之乡”:

2011年8月经农业 部评审,靖州杨梅获得国家农产 品地理标志登记保护;2013年10 月,靖州杨梅获得国家工商行政 管理总局商标局注册的地理标志 证明商标;2024年10月,靖州杨 梅获湖南省首批“一县一特”农产品优秀品牌称号。近年来,靖 州着力打造“加工园区+种养基 地+科研中心+现代物流+文化旅 游”  “五位一体”的现代农业发 展模式,建起杨梅生态产业园,储藏、远距离 运输和加工果采收期为果面全着 色,但未达品种的固有色。采果 应选择晴天的早晚或阴天进行, 采摘时应轻采轻放,并选用通气 的小塑料筐或小竹篮盛放,并在 果篮底部及四周垫衬新鲜干净的 狼蕨叶或杨梅叶。


800000 pieces of Yangmei seedlings of various varieties and specifications:

Grafting for 1 year: Crystal, Dongkui, Yangmei Ball, Green Seedlings, 2023-JXLY21 Harvesting Yangmei Fruit, Yongguan Yangmei Small Cup Seedlings, High Voltage Taiwan Plum, Wumei, Wusu Yangmei Big Trees with a ground diameter of about 10-20-30 cm, mobile phone number 13507五40047, soil ball size of about 2 meters, high branching and beautiful Yangmei Big Trees, various varieties and specifications, large cup seedlings, medium cup seedlings, small cup seedlings cultivation, large-scale professional wholesale of various diameters, heights, sizes The packaging method of Yangmei seedlings is delivered to your doorstep nationwide! We also have Yangmei recycling, processing, and tea oil acquisition to support exports. Many of our tea oil is sold to Taiwan. The main provinces for the shipment of Yangmei seedlings include Guangxi, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei, and Jiangsu. Cooperation is welcome.


The characteristics of waxberry fruit with large and thick flesh:

Experience the fun of planting while harvesting, Dongkui Yangmei, with large and juicy fruit, delicious sour and sweet taste, high and stable yield, black charcoal Yangmei with large kernels and small kernels, high plump sweetness, and high and stable cold climate zones. This map divides the lowest temperature zones in various regions of China according to international standards, and obtains a map of China's cold climate zones, According to the cold resistant climate zone corresponding to the plant product, suitable planting areas for plants can be found, which provides more scientific basis for the planting of new or introduced plant varieties. Growers can also choose suitable plant varieties based on the local cold climate zone.


Regional scope: Huaihua Jingzhou Yangmei Agricultural Products:

The scope of geographical indication protection includes 52 villages in 11 townships, including Aoshang, Gantang, and Wenxi, in Jingzhou Miao and Dong Autonomous County (hereinafter referred to as "Jingzhou"). As of December 2024, there are 56 varieties of Yangmei cultivated in Jingzhou, with a planting area of 6666.67 hectares and an annual output of 69000 tons of fresh fruits. Jingzhou Yangmei is one of the "Three Treasures" of Jingzhou in terms of cultural history, including Yangmei, Fuliang, and hickory. The local cultivation has a long history, among which the Mudong Yangmei in Aoshang Town, the "Yangmei Town" of Jingzhou, is particularly prominent. The garden should be planted with warm subtropical fruit trees, with an average annual temperature of 15-22 ° C, an absolute minimum temperature higher than -9 ° C, and a minimum temperature greater than 0 ° C during flowering. High temperature is not suitable for the growth of Yangmei, as exposure to scorching sun can easily cause the branches to wither and die, especially during the rapid fruit development period from May to June. High temperatures of 30-35 ° C should be avoided. When cultivated at the mountaintop facing south, it does not grow vigorously, yields fewer fruits, and has poor quality.


Can Yangmei seedlings be watered immediately after planting?

After planting, water appropriately and do not fertilize! If the dosage is not appropriate, it is easy to pickle the seedlings and wait for the fruit seedlings to root and sprout before considering appropriate fertilization. Shopping instructions: worry free after-sales service·If you are purchasing for the first time, please read it carefully. Variety introduction: Xinjiang Tibet is below -45.5C-45.5 ° C~-40.0C-40.0 ° C~-34.5 ° C-34.4C-28.9 ° 28.8C-23.4C-23.3 ° C~-17.8 ° C-17.7 ° C~-12.3 ° C-12.2 ° C~-6.7 ° C Gansu Qinghai Beijing Tianjin Hebei Shanxi 7 Shandong Sichuan Chongqing Shaanxi Henan Jiangsu 8 Shanghai Hubei Zhejiang Jiangxi Nangui Zhou D Hunan Le Fujian Hainan Port Gate 6.6 ° C~-1.2'C10-11C~4.4C4.5 ° C.

In 2007, Jingzhou, Hunan was awarded the title of "Hometown of Yangmei in China":

In August 2011, after evaluation by the Ministry of Agriculture, Jingzhou Yangmei was granted the protection of national agricultural product geographical indication registration; In October 2013, Jingzhou Yangmei obtained the geographical indication certification trademark registered by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce; In October 2024, Jingzhou Yangmei was awarded the title of "One County, One Special" Excellent Agricultural Product Brand in Hunan Province. In recent years, Jingzhou has focused on building a modern agricultural development model that integrates "processing parks, breeding bases, scientific research centers, modern logistics, and cultural tourism". It has established a Yangmei Ecological Industrial Park, with storage, long-distance transportation, and processing. The fruit harvest period is full color, but it has not yet reached the fixed color of the variety. Fruit picking should be carried out in the morning or evening on sunny or cloudy days. When picking, it should be done lightly and placed in ventilated small plastic baskets or bamboo baskets. Fresh and clean wolf fern or bayberry leaves should be placed at the bottom and around the basket.

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