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2024扁山苗木基地 > 湖北金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 黄冈金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 蕲春县金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

销批 紫薇老桩造型盆景 大红紫色 树冠幅3米 湖北福建浙江苏









种子萌发实验设计、经研究发现、种子刚成熟采收时,种子的生活力和萌发率都很低;当种子干燥储存 2 个月后,生活力和萌发率都较高,随着存储时间的增加,北京和河北紫薇老桩编织生活力比较稳定,差异不大(内部资料,未发表)。实验选取保存 2 个月的成熟饱满种子放于小烧杯,用清水浸泡 24 h,然后用不同浓度梯度的 GA3、TDZ、IAA、6-BA 和 NAA(表 1)浸种 2 h,之后用无菌水冲洗 3 次。清水浸种 24 h 作对照(CK),每个处理 50 粒种子,北京和河北紫薇老桩编织每处理重复 3 次。将处理好的种子置于垫有 2 层滤纸的培养皿中,排列整齐,在人工气候箱(07 : 00~19 : 00,30 ℃,光照强度 75 μmol/(m2·s),湿度 90%;19 : 00~07 : 00,25 ℃,光照强度 0,湿度 90%)。



修整紫薇树形,提升观赏价值毛萼紫薇(Lagerstroemia balansae)为千屈菜科(Lythraceae)紫薇属(Lagerstroemia)植物,分布于老挝、越南和泰国等地,四川和贵州紫薇造型基地中国仅分布于海南西南部低海拔山地雨林中[1-2]。毛萼紫薇树姿优美,花色艳丽多彩,亦是园林景观的好树种。在园林生产中,种子繁殖是扩大毛萼紫薇幼苗主要的生产方式。然而,调查发现,毛萼紫薇结籽率虽然很高,萌发率和成苗率却很低,极大地限制了其园林应用。因此,四川和贵州紫薇造型基地提高毛萼紫薇种子的萌发率,对充分利用种子进行实生扩繁显得十分重要。


XP sales batch: Ziwei old pile and vase shaped bonsai:

Large sales, wholesale prices for all market bases, different sizes and specifications, tree height, price, crown width, color, diameter, old pile shaped bonsai of crape myrtle, big red, pink, purple, tree crown width of 3 meters, crape myrtle tree height of 2-5 meters, shipped to: Fujian antique vase shape, Zhejiang peacock, Guizhou vase size shape, Hainan yurt, Guangxi animal shape, Hubei gate and yurt shape weaving, Jiangxi, Hunan Hubei chair weaving, Shaanxi stool shaped crape myrtle tree, Jiangsu crape myrtle old pile wholesale, Yunnan and other provinces, prices are easy to negotiate, and usually these valuable items are delivered to your doorstep.


GD Antique Vase Yunnan Guizhou Ziwei Style Construction:

Prune the main and side branches according to the growth stage. Firstly, management personnel should trim the main and side branches of the crape myrtle plant according to its different growth stages. Affected by objective factors such as pests and diseases, growth emphasis, growth direction, and hydrothermal environment, some crape myrtle plants constructed in the shape of antique vases in Yunnan and Guizhou may exhibit withered branches, diseased branches, and other phenomena during different growth stages. These branches and leaves not only compete with healthy branches for nutrition, but also seriously affect the artistic beauty and ornamental value of the plants. Therefore, it is urgent for garden management personnel to prune and trim them. Technicians can conduct a comprehensive analysis and selection of the development status of the branches of the crape myrtle saplings after planting. Antique vases are constructed in the shape of crape myrtle in Yunnan and Guizhou, and the branches with the best growth conditions and development status are selected as the main branches for cultivation. Afterwards, three to four side branches are cultivated according to the requirements of the garden landscape design, and diseased or apoptotic branches and leaves are pruned to achieve a more balanced distribution of nutrients within the plant, The growth momentum is even better.


BJ Beijing and Hebei Ziwei Old Pile Weaving:

The experimental design of seed germination, research has found that the vitality and germination rate of seeds are very low when they are just ripe and harvested; After 2 months of dry storage, the viability and germination rate of the seeds were both high. With the increase of storage time, the viability of the old pile weaving of Ziwei in Beijing and Hebei was relatively stable, and the difference was not significant (internal data, unpublished). Mature and plump seeds stored for 2 months were selected for the experiment and placed in a small beaker. They were soaked in clean water for 24 hours, followed by soaking with different concentration gradients of GA3, TDZ, IAA, 6-BA, and NAA (Table 1) for 2 hours. Afterwards, they were rinsed three times with sterile water. Soak the seeds in clear water for 24 hours as a control (CK), with 50 seeds in each treatment. Repeat the weaving of Beijing and Hebei Ziwei old piles 3 times in each treatment. Place the processed seeds in a culture dish with 2 layers of filter paper, arrange them neatly, and place them in an artificial climate box (07:00~19:00, 30 ℃, light intensity 75 μ Mol/(m2 · s), humidity 90%; 19: 00~07:00, 25 ℃, light intensity 0, humidity 90%).

SC Sichuan and Guizhou Ziwei Styling Base:

Trim the shape of the crape myrtle tree and enhance its ornamental value. Lagerstroemia balanasae is a plant of the Lythaceae family and the Lagerstroemia genus, distributed in Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. The Sichuan and Guizhou crape myrtle modeling bases are only distributed in the low altitude mountainous rainforests of southwestern Hainan in China [1-2]. The hairy calyx crape myrtle tree has a beautiful appearance and colorful flowers, making it a good tree species for garden landscapes. In garden production, seed propagation is the main production method for expanding the seedlings of Lagerstroemia japonica. However, the investigation found that although the seed setting rate of Lagerstroemia tomentosa is high, the germination rate and seedling rate are very low, greatly limiting its garden application. Therefore, improving the germination rate of Ziwei seeds in Sichuan and Guizhou is crucial for fully utilizing the seeds for seedling expansion and propagation.


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