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2024扁山苗木基地 > 广西金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 梧州金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 藤县金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

大小林广西红花大果油茶苗圃 嫁接软枝培育标准基地60-100CM










Cultivation of Camellia oleifera Nursery in Guangxi:

Large and small Guangxi grafted with over 1 to 3 kilograms of fresh safflower and big fruit, fresh tea fruit, seedlings, seeds, tea fruit, and oil tea seedlings in Wuzhou, Dalin, Xiaolin, Guilin, Guangxi. Wholesale of 13507五40047 phone WeChat, ground diameter 0.5CM, 0.8CM, 1CM, 1.5CM, 1.2 cm, Guigang Baise has different crown sizes. From 2023 to 2024, the cultivation of small cup seedlings of safflower and oil tea trees in Liuzhou, Nanning is all at market wholesale prices Hechi Beihai White Flower Small and Medium Fruit Tea Seed Seedling Cultivation, Hezhou Chongzuo Giant Fruit Tea Seedling Cultivation Standard Base 30CM, 50CM Direct Seedlings, Real Growth Land, Seed Seedlings, Grafted Grafts, Seed Wholesale, 60CM, Yulin 80CM Grafted Cup Seedlings Red Flower Big Fruit Oil Tea Tree Extra Large Cup Seedlings or Delivery with Soil Balls, 90CM, 120CM, 150CM, 40CM These specifications are welcome for on-site inspection and visits from all over the country!


Cutting Propagation of Big Fruit Red Flower Oil Tea in Wuzhou:

4. Choose plant branches with strong growth, large fruit grains, and high yield through cutting propagation of large fruit safflower oil tea in Wuzhou forests as cuttings. Cut in mid to late June or mid to late August. Soil disinfection should be carried out on sand beds or seedbeds. The cuttings should be selected from semi lignified branches with intact leaves and full axillary buds. The cuttings for cutting propagation of large fruit safflower oil tea in Wuzhou forests should be 6-8 centimeters long, with one leaf left at the top and treated with rooting powder, Cut and insert as needed; After insertion, press the soil on the bed surface tightly, and provide shade and water penetration; In the future, spray water on the leaves 2-3 times a day to keep the soil moist. In winter, the shade shed can be converted into a plastic greenhouse to prevent freezing damage to the cuttings.


Guangxi Guilin Big Fruit Camellia Fruit Harvesting:

The ripening time of Guangxi and Zhejiang safflower camellia fruits is in mid to late September. The immature fruits of Guilin big fruit camellia in Guangxi have low oil yield and poor quality after harvesting, and early picking is strictly prohibited; The sign of fruit maturity is the shedding of outer skin fuzz, darkening of color, and brightening of color; The seed shell changes from yellow to brown or dark black, and the harvested seed kernels of Guilin Big Fruit Camellia oleifera in Guangxi become hard and shiny, turning from white to yellowish brown; The fruit maturity period of Zhejiang safflower camellia is during the budding period of new flower buds and leaf buds. When harvesting, tools with knives or hooks should be used, and it is strictly prohibited to break branches to pick fruits. After the fruit is harvested, it should be threshed in the sun in a timely manner, cleaned of impurities, and stored for oil extraction after it has fully dried.


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