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2024扁山苗木基地 > 广东金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 中山金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发 > 南朗镇金线莲油茶杨梅苗批发

3-5年广东高压杨梅树苗 早熟高杆东魁水晶黑高峰 批发大杯





5.5元小杯苗、565元小杯苗、8.5元小杯苗30-50公分孝感杨梅苗 水晶小杯苗 永树冠孝感袋苗9元1-2-3-5年、9.5元小杯苗、15.5元小杯苗、12.5元小杯苗;8.6元中杯苗、12.6元中杯苗、18.6元中杯苗、20.6元中杯苗、28.6元中杯苗;98大杯苗、158元中杯苗、198元中杯苗、280.6元中杯苗、388.6元中杯苗、588.6元中杯苗...价格看客户晋商的实际要求,双方要谈的,如规格种植欢迎到现场考察与洽谈,本基地苗支持出口,同时长年、长期回收茶籽、茶油、杨梅果。



采用野杨梅作为杨梅砧木,其种子较小但抗逆性强,采种前先检查核仁的充实情况,选核仁饱满的单株并待果实充分成熟时采果。果实采收后堆置3—5d,待果肉腐烂,洗净并去除瘪子、病虫子、畸形子和杂质,稍晾干。生命力强的种子,种皮不皱缩,有光泽,种仁饱满,种胚和子叶不透明,有弹性,用于指按压时不破碎,无霉烂味。福建和浙江高压大杨梅苗品种 永树冠黑高峰东魁乌酥30-40克杨梅种子采收后,马上播种,出苗率高达70%以上。而砂藏的,容易霉烂,发芽率低。杨梅种子的壳较坚硬,不易吸水,砂藏后未经‘两晒’(种子清洗后,晒2d;播种前再晒,晒至种壳开裂、果仁摇动),发芽率只有20%—60%,经过‘两晒’,发芽率达70%—90%左右。





3-5 Year Hubei High Voltage Dongkui Yangmei:

Big Cup Seedling, Fujian and Jiangxi and Hunan, High Pole Crystal Yangmei with Big Earth Ball Seedling Cultivation are all market standard wholesale prices, Guangdong and Guangxi and Guizhou 3507540047, WeChat, phone, 1-year, 2-year, 3-year Black Peak Yangmei Ground Diameter 8 cm Left Right High Voltage Yangmei Big Cup Seedling, with beautiful appearance! Welcome to cooperate, with a wide range of varieties, complete specifications, and high cost-effectiveness. Wholesale of early maturing Yangmei seedlings in various provinces, cities, counties, towns, and villages, with a large cup seedling land of 5-12 cm, a minimum weight of 50 pounds, a small amount of which is usually sent by express delivery, SF Express, and a medium cup seedling land of 3-6 cm. Dongkui Yangmei trees have a height of 1 meter, and small cup seedlings are standard, large-scale, professional, and large-scale production bases are cultivated.


prices for small and medium cup:

seedlings of Yangmei in various provinces and cities 5.5 yuan small cup seedlings, 565 yuan small cup seedlings, 8.5 yuan small cup seedlings, 9.5 yuan small cup seedlings, 15.5 yuan small cup seedlings, 12.5 yuan small cup seedlings; 8.6 yuan medium cup seedling, 12.6 yuan medium cup seedling, 18.6 yuan medium cup seedling, 20.6 yuan medium cup seedling, 28.6 yuan medium cup seedling; 98 large cup seedlings, 158 yuan medium cup seedlings, 198 yuan medium cup seedlings, 280.6 yuan medium cup seedlings, 388.6 yuan medium cup seedlings, 588.6 yuan medium cup seedlings... The prices depend on the actual requirements of the customer's Jin merchants, and both parties need to discuss. If the planting specifications are met, please come to the site for inspection and negotiation. Our base supports the export of seedlings, and we also recycle tea seeds, tea oil, and bayberry fruits for a long time.

Seed Collection for High Stem Yangmei Rootstock:

Wild bayberry is used as the rootstock of bayberry, which has small seeds but strong stress resistance. Before harvesting, check the plumpness of the nucleoli, select a single plant with full nucleoli, and harvest the fruit when it is fully ripe. After the fruit is harvested, pile it up for 3-5 days and let the flesh rot. Wash and remove shriveled, diseased, deformed, and impurities, and let it dry slightly. Seeds with strong vitality, with a non wrinkled and shiny seed coat, plump kernels, opaque embryo and cotyledons, and elasticity. Used to indicate that they do not break when pressed and do not have a moldy or rotten taste. After the seeds of Yangmei are harvested, they are immediately sown, with a seedling emergence rate of over 70%. And those stored in sand are prone to mold and rot, with a low germination rate. The shell of bayberry seeds is relatively hard and not easy to absorb water. After being stored in sand, they are not 'sun dried' for 2 days after cleaning the seeds, and then sun dried before sowing until the shell cracks and the nuts shake. The germination rate is only 20-60%. After being 'sun dried', the germination rate is about 70-90%.

Disease and Pest Control of High Pressure Yangmei:

Big Cup Seedlings High pressure bayberry has strong resistance to stress, with fewer occurrences of diseases and pests, making it less prone to disasters. Therefore, the local people have a habit of not applying pesticides, but they should also pay attention to observation and seek timely treatment once diseases and pests are found. Leave a height of 35-40 centimeters above the central trunk interface of the Yangmei seedling, and cut off the top tip of the high-pressure Yangmei big cup seedling to promote the emergence of new shoots from the bottom. In the future, choose to leave 3-5 strong new shoots as the main branch. If the bayberry seedling has branches and is at an appropriate height from the ground, it can be retained as the main branch. If it is too close to the ground, it should be cut off and a new main branch should be selected. The bayberry tree should be managed in large and small years.

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